Curtain Multi-needle Sewing Machine

Curtain Multi-needle Sewing Machine

Computer curtain multi-needle sewing machine


1. Optional 12-22-33 needle models

2. The original multi-pass sewing process can be reduced to one completion, with good flatness and improved production efficiency.

3. The upper and lower rear pull wheels perfectly assist feeding

4. Equipped with different customized accessories, it can complete pattern stitching, hemming and other sewing.

5. Sewing double-money curtain head lining tape - first molding

6. Sewing the double-money curtain head four-pronged hook fabric belt into shape at one time

7. Sewing curtain head drawstring fabric tape into shape at one time

8. Optional Lianji sewing belt-type auxiliary feeding system

9. The new computer-sensing automatic sewing machine feeds the fabric in parallel, making it easy to sew.

10. The new automatic carriage return function (return speed 2.2 seconds) saves time and effort and is several times more efficient than the traditional method.


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